One Button Studio “Office Hours”

One Button Studio “Office Hours” Tuesdays, January 10, 17, 24, & 31 Noon – 1pm Dawson 117B Join us during “Office Hours” to learn more about the new One Button Studio, and find out how it can be useful to you! The Studio is EASY to use.  Learn about integrating video projects into your coursework, […]

New Login Procedure for Windows 7 Lab and Podium Computers

Windows 7 lab and podium computers will require users to log in by appending “” to the Access ID username (e.g., Login attempts that do not include “” will result in a “The user name or password is incorrect” message, even if the Access ID password is correct. For login-related questions or problems, please […]

Dawson D10 Technology

Technology integration in Dawson 10 is now complete!  Technologies incorporated into this space will allow for enhanced presentation and conferencing capabilities. D10 now features an integrated projector and drop-down screen capable of acceptingmultiple inputs.  Audio is provided by a 4-speaker stereo system installed in the ceiling, with wireless microphone links.  Three wall-mounted flat-panel televisions provide […]

SLC Sherbine Lounge Technology

Technology integration in the Study Learning Center’s Sherbine Lounge is now complete!  Technologies incorporated into this space will allow for enhanced presentation capabilities, including dual digital display outputs. The Lounge now features an integrated projector and drop-down screen capable of accepting multiple audio/video inputs.  Audio is provided by a 6-speaker stereo system installed in the […]

You can go anywhere in the One Button Studio!

Want to see just how easy it is to use the One Button Studio?  Check out our video, where we show you the whole process of making a short recording in the Studio, then doing some simple editing in the attached media lab, and then the final product. You can go anywhere in the One […]

One Button Studio Launch

One Button Studio Launch Penn State Worthington Scranton IT Support is excited to announce the launch of the One Button Studio!  Located in Dawson 117B, the One Button Studio allows users to record high-quality video without any previous experience or specialized knowledge.  When you plug in your flash drive, One Button Studio activates; the camera […]

Canvas LMS Training Program

Our Canvas LMS Training Program is designed to provide you with the ability to create a course from scratch, or migrate an existing course from ANGEL. Join us to learn how to use Canvas effectively with your students, complete the first five workshops and receive your certification and digital badge. August 8/16 and 8/18: Assess, […]

One Button Studio & Media Lab

Work on the One Button Studio and our new media editing lab is underway!  Dawson 117, formerly a small computer lab/seminar room is the site of the new One Button Studio.  Campus community members will be able to record audio and video in a controlled environment with a simple “one button” control. Students and faculty […]

Transparency Projectors and DVD/VHS to be phased out

Transparency Projectors In classrooms with a permanently installed document camera, the old transparency projectors on carts will be removed in favor of the newer technology. If you’d like an introduction to all you can do with a document camera, please call Griff Lewis (ext 2654) for a mutually convenient time. DVD/VHS DVD/VHS players will be […]